Orthodox Saints of the Pre-Schism See of Rome

4th July
AURELIAN of LYONS, a monk and later Abbot the Abbey of St. Martin of Ainay (abbaye Saint-Martin d'Ainay) in Ainay (part of present-day Lyons, France). St. Aurelian later served as 47th Archbishop of Lyons from 875 until his repose in 895.
BERTHA of BLANGY, a daughter of Count Rigobertus and Princes Ursanna of Kent. Following the repose of her husband in 672, St. Bertha founded and served as first Abbess of what was later known as the Abbey of St. Bertha of Blangy (Abbaye Sainte Berthe) in Artois (north-eastern France). Towards the end of her life she resigned as Abbess in favour of one of her daughters and spent the rest of her life as a hermitess in the abbey. St. Bertha reposed circa 725.
FINBAR of WEXFORD, a sixth century Abbot of Innis-Doimhle (most likely present-day Inch, Co. Wexford), Ireland. The English Roman Catholic priest and renowned hagiographer Fr. Alban Butler (†1773) describes him as the founding abbot of a monastery on the Isle of Crimlen, between Hy Kinsellagh and the Decies of Munster. He also cautions us not to confuse this St. Finbar with St. Finbar (Barr) of Cork (25th September).
HATTO of OTTOBEUREN, a Swabian noble who, upon reaching majority, donated all his property to the Abbey of Saint Alexander of Bergamo (Kloster Ottobeuren) in Ottobeuren in the Bavarian Allgäu (southern Germany), and received monastic tonsure. St. Hatto spent the rest of his life as a monk at Ottobeuren, reposing in 985.
JUCUNDIAN, (Date Unknown), a martyr in North Africa, of whom nothing is known save he was martyred by drowning at sea.
LAURIANUS, (LAURIAN) of SEVILLE, the extant information on St. Lauianus is completely unreliable. However, according to tradition, he was a native of Pannonia (Hungary), who was most likely ordained to the deaconate in Milan (north-west Italy), and later served as Archbishop of Seville (southern spain). He was probably martyred in Bourges (central France). The head of Saint Laurianus is amongst the relics venerated at Seville.
NAMPHAMON the ARCHMARTYR and COMPANIONS, an early (circa 180?) group of martyrs at Madaura in Numidia in North Africa, often counted as amongst the first to be martyred in that region. The name Namphone is of Punic or Carthaginian derivation, however, no further firm information is extant.
PROCOPIUS of SÁZAVA, a native of Bohemia (western Czech Republic), who lived for some time as a monk somewhere in present-day Hungary. St. Procipius returned to his native Bohemia circa 1029, living at first as a hermit in the Sázava Valley. His holiness and wonderworking soon attracted many disciples. With a local nobleman as benefactor, St. Procopius founded a monastery, and served as its founding-Abbot until his repose in 1053.
ULRIC (ULDARICUS, UDALRIC) of AUGSBURG, a native of Augsburg in Bavaria (south-eastern Germany), who was educated at St. Gall in Switzerland. St. Ulric, having been nominated by Henry I the Fowler, King of East Francia (r. 919–936), was consecrated Bishop of Augsburg on 28th December, 923. During his episcopacy, St. Ulric was an indefatigable pastor, visiting the sick, building churches, and caring for his priests. St. Ulrich's courage and leadership served his See well when faced with Magyar invaders, rallying his flock to hold off the Magyars until the arrival of Otto I the Great, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 936–973) and his troops. In 971, after nearly a half century as primate, St. Ulric resigned his See, and with the Emperor’s consent appointed his nephew his successor. The appointment was subsequently ruled un-canonical, and St. Ulric was charged and convicted of nepotism, for which St. Ulric apologised and did penance.
St. Ulric reposed on 4th July, 973. He was canonised on 3rd February 993 by Pope John XV; the first western saint canonised by the Pope of Rome and not a local council, serving as the foundation of the church of Rome’s canonisation process of today.
Prior to the Schism the Patriarchate of Rome was Orthodox, and fully in communion with the Orthodox Church. As Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco +1966 said “The West was Orthodox for a thousand years, and her venerable Liturgy is far older than any of her heresies”.
Details of British Saints excerpted from Orthodox Saints of the British Isles.
Details of continental saints from these sources.
In many cases there are several spelling versions of the names of saints from the British Isles. I use the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography version as the primary version with the more prevalent version in parenthesis e.g. Ceadda (Chad) of Lichfield.