Orthodox Saints of the Pre-Schism See of Rome

29th September
ALARICUS (ADALRICUS, ADALRAI), a son of Duke Burkhard II of Swabia, who was educated at the Abbey of Our Lady of the Hermits (Kloster Maria Himmelfahrt) in Einsiedeln in the present-day Swiss canton of Schwyz. Following the completion of his studies, St. Alaricus received monastic tonsure at Einsiedeln, spending the later years of his life as an anchorite on Ufenau Island in Lake Zurich, He reposed in 975.
CATHOLDUS of EICHSTÄTT, ANNO of EICHSTÄTT, and DIETHARDUS of EICHSTÄTT, eighth century monks who evangelised the region of Eichstätt in Bavaria (southern Germany).
FRATERNUS of AUXERRE, seventh Bishop of Auxerre in Burgundy (east-central France). St. Fraternus is believed to have been martyred circa 450.
LIUTWIN of TRIER, founder circa 690 of the double monastery of SS. Peter and Mary (Abtei Sankt Peter und Maria) at Mettlach in Saarland (30km / 19mi south of Trier in the present-day German state of Rhineland-Palatinate). St. Liutwin served as the 35th Bishop of Trier (circa 697–circa 718). St. Liutwin reposed circa 722, and was buried at the Abbey of SS. Peter and Mary in Mettlach.
Prior to the Schism the Patriarchate of Rome was Orthodox, and fully in communion with the Orthodox Church. As Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco +1966 said “The West was Orthodox for a thousand years, and her venerable Liturgy is far older than any of her heresies”.
Details of British Saints excerpted from Orthodox Saints of the British Isles.
Details of continental saints from these sources.
In many cases there are several spelling versions of the names of saints from the British Isles. I use the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography version as the primary version with the more prevalent version in parenthesis e.g. Ceadda (Chad) of Lichfield.