Dr. John (Ellsworth) Hutchison-Hall

Eastern Orthodox Christian theologian, historian, philosopher, and cultural commentator.


Orthodox Saints of the Pre-Schism See of Rome

CARILEFUS (CARILEPHUS, CARILEFF, CALAIS), a companion of St. Avitus (27th January). He was the founding Abbot of Anisole Abbey (later St. Calais Abbey), on land given to him by Childebert I, King of Paris (r. 511–558) located at Saint-Calais in north-western present-day France. St. Carilefus reposed circa 536.

CASTUS and SECUNDINUS of SINUESSA, (Date Uncertain), two martyrs with a significant cultus in the south of Italy. According to various martyrologies they were natives of Sinuessa (present-day Mondragone) in Campania (southern Italy). Though there are detailed hagiographies dating back over 1,500 years, the pre-eminent hagiographic scholars of the Société des Bollandistes, and other recent authorities feel they are not reliable. It is most likely SS. Castus and Secundinus were martyred circa 305.

CEWYDD, St. Cewydd lived in Anglesey (Ynys Môn), Wales and at Lancaut, Gloucestershire, in England. Nothing further is known of his life.

DOMITIAN of LÉRINS, (Fifth Century), a native of Rome, orphaned at an early age, St. Domitian renounced his wealth and entered a monastery in his native city, where he received monastic tonsure. Later he joined the brotherhood at the Abbey of Our Lady of Lérins (abbaye Notre Dame de Lérins) on the Lérins Islands in the Mediterranean Ocean off the Côte d’Azur in France. There St. Domitian was ordained to the priesthood, and later served as Abbot. At some later point, St. Domitian founded a monastery in the French Jura around which the present-day village of Saint-Rambert-en-Bugey grew. He is believed to have lived there until his repose in the mid-fifth century. Unfortunately, the limited information on St. Domitian, comes one thousand years after St. Domitian flourished from the pen of Benedictine Abbot and Polymath Johannes Trithemius (†1516), rendering the veracity of any extant information on St. Domitian questionable.

EPARCHIUS (CYBAR) of PÉRIGORD, a nobleman from Périgord (south-west France) who renounced his title to become a monk. Desiring to live as a hermit, St. Eparchius retired to a cave near the walls of the village of Angouleme in south-western Gaul (France). Numerous acts of wonderworking only added to his reputation for sanctity, which attracted disciples. As greater numbers began to congregate around his cave, a monastic community formed, with St. Eparchius serving as Abbot. St. Eparchius reposed in 581, his relics, which had been reverenced for over a millennium, were destroyed by Huguenots in the sixteenth century.

GALL of CLERMONT, an Auvergnat of noble birth, who entered a monastery near his home. He was later ordained to the diaconate by St. Quintian of Rodez (13th November), Bishop of Clermont (central France), who then appointed St. Gall his representative at Court. St. Gall was also an uncle and guardian of St. Gregory of Tours (17th November), whom he counted amongst his disciples. He was consecrated sixteenth Bishop of Clermont circa 527, succeeding St. Quintian (13th November). St. Gall reposed circa 554, and is most remembered for his meekness and gift of wonderworking.

JULIUS and AARON, and COMPANIONS of CAERLEON, Protomartyrs of Wales, according to SS. Gildas the Wise (29th January) and Bede the Venerable (25th May), SS. Julius and Aaron were martyred, along with others - including St. Alban of Britian (22nd June) - during the Diocletianic Persecution. They are believed to have suffered at Caerleon-on-Usk (near present-day Newport, Gwent, Wales) circa 305, and are venerated as the Protomartyrs of Wales.

JUTHWARE, (Seventh Century), St. Juthware was the sister of St. Sidwell (2nd August). They were most likely of British, not Anglo-Saxon, descent, and appear to have lived in Devonshire (England) prior to the Wessex Anglo-Saxons overtaking the area.

LEONORIUS (LUNAIRE) of BRITTANY, a son of Hoel, King of Brittany (north-western France), St. Leonorious was born in Wales whilst his family was in exile. He was consecrated bishop by St. Dubricius of Wales (14th November). He later went to Brittany (northern France), then ruled by his brother Hoel II, where he founded the monastery of Pontual, near Saint Malo. St. Leonorious reposed circa 570.

MARTIN of VIENNE, the third Bishop of Vienne in France. It is generally accepted that he was sent by Pope St. Alexander I (3rd May), to evangelise Gaul (France). Other traditions, such as St. Martin being present at the Crucifixion, have no basis. St. Martin reposed circa 132.

SERVAN (SERF, SAIR) of CULROSS, Apostle of the Orkneys, (Fifth Century), known as the Apostle of the Orkneys, the information available on St. Servan is vague and contradictory, but it seems he was consecrated Bishop by St. Palladius of Ireland (7th October). There is a connexion asserted between St. Servan and St. Kentigern Mungo of Glasgow (13th January) which leads to the conclusion that there were most likely two saints of the same name, one of whom lived a century before the other.

THEODORIC (THIERRY, THEODERICUS) of MONT D’OR, a disciple of St. Remigius of Rheims (1st October). St. Theodoric reposed circa 533 and is especially remembered for his wonderworking, both before and after his repose.

VEEP (VEEPUS, VEEPY, WIMP, WENNAPA), (Sixth Century), St. Veep is the patron saint of St. Veep, Cornwall, England. It is possible that he was a member of the family of King St. Brychan of Brycheiniog (6th April). Nothing further is known about him.

Prior to the Schism the Patriarchate of Rome was Orthodox, and fully in communion with the Orthodox Church. As Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco +1966 said “The West was Orthodox for a thousand years, and her venerable Liturgy is far older than any of her heresies”.

Details of British Saints excerpted from Orthodox Saints of the British Isles.
Details of continental saints from these sources.

In many cases there are several spelling versions of the names of saints from the British Isles. I use the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography version as the primary version with the more prevalent version in parenthesis e.g. Ceadda (Chad) of Lichfield.