Orthodox Saints of the Pre-Schism
See of Rome
23rd June (NS) — 10th June (OS) 2024
ARESIUS, ROGATIUS, and COMPANIONS, Martyrs of North Africa, (Date Unknown), seventeen African martyrs, of whom nothing further is known, though some martyrologies include them with SS. Basilides, Tripos, Mandal, and Companions (vide infra).
BARDO of MAINZ, St. Bardo received monastic tonsure at Fulda Abbey (Kloster Fulda) in the present-day German state of Hesse, then was made Abbot of Werden Abbey (Kloster Werden), in Essen on the Ruhr (Germany) in 1029. Two years later, St. Bardo was consecrated Metropolitan Archbishop of Mainz (Germany). Throughout his life St. Bardo was known for his asceticism, care for the poor, and his gift of clairvoyance. St. Bardo reposed circa 1052.
BASILIDES, TRIPOS, MANDAL, and COMPANIONS, Martyrs of the Aurelian Way, a group of Christians numbering twenty-three who were martyred on the Aurelian Way during the reign of Emperor Aurelian (r. 270–275). The paucity of facts regarding the lives of these saints has led the hagiographic scholars of the Société des Bollandistes, amongst other authorities, to consider the possibility that this St. Basilides is in fact the better known St. Basilides of 12th June, who was also martyred on the Aurelian Way.
CENSURIUS of AUXERRE, consecrated the successor of St. Germanus (31st July) in 448 as Bishop of Auxerre in Burgundy (France). St. Censurius served that See for thirty-eight years until his repose in 486.
CRISPULUS and RESTITUTUS of ROME, martyrs during the reign of Emperor Nero (r. 54–68). There is no information on their lives extant. Most authorities place their martyrdom in Rome, though ninth century theologian, polymath, and Archbishop of Mainz, Rabanus Maurus Magnentius (†856) posits their martyrdom took place in Spain, which ecclesiastical historian Caesar Cardinal Baronius (†1607) concurs with in his work.
EVERMUND (EBREMUND) of FONTENAY, the married founder of several monasteries, including the Abbey of Our Lady of Fontenay-Louvet (abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontenay-Louvet) in present-day Fontenai-les-Louvets, Normandy, France. By mutual agreement, St. Evermund and his wife separated to live as monastics. St. Evermund received monastic tonsure at Fontenay-Louvet, later serving as its Abbot. He reposed circa 720.
GETULIUS, CAEREALIS, AMANTIUS, and PRIMITIVUS of TIVOLI, St. Getulius was the husband of St. Symphorosa (18th July), and brother of St. Amantius. Both St. Getulius and St. Amantius had been officers in the Imperial Roman Army, and very publicly converted to Christianity. This infuriated Emperor Hadrian (r. 117–138) to no end, and he sent the officers SS. Caerealis and Primitivus to arrest SS. Getulius and Amantius. However, they converted SS. Caerealis and Primitivus which resulted in all four being clubbed to death circa 120.
ILLADAN (ILLATHAN, IOLLADHAN) of RATHLIBTHIEN, St. Illadan was an Abbot-Bishop (possibly the first) of Rathlibthien in present-day Co. Offaly, Ireland. There is no information on his life extant except for mention in the Life of his disciple St. Áed mac Bricc (10th November). St. Illadan most probably reposed circa 540.
ITHAMAR of ROCHESTER, St. Ithamar succeeded St. Paulinus (10th October) as Bishop of Rochester in England. Born in Kent, he was the first native English bishop. St. Bede the Venerable (25th May) takes pains to point out that whilst St. Ithamar was “of the Kentish nation, but not inferior to his predecessors for learning and conduct of life”. St. Ithamar reposed circa 656.
LANDERICUS of NOVALESE, a monk at the Abbey of SS. Peter and Andrew (abbazia dei Santi Pietro e Andrea) in present-day Novalesa, Italy. A gang of robbers, whom St. Landericus apparently had chastised, martyred him by drowning in a near-by river circa 1050.
LANDRY (LANDERICUS) of PARIS, shortly after his consecration as Bishop of Paris in 650, St. Landry observing that disease often caused death and frequent epidemics, concluded that keeping the ill in an organised centre would not only facilitate better care, but also reduce the risk of diseases spreading. Towards this end, St. Landry founded the Hospital of St. Christopher next to the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Hôtel-Dieu de Paris as it is now known was the first hospital in Paris, and is the oldest hospital in continuous operation in the world. In addition, St. Landry encouraged the founding of monasteries in his See. He reposed circa 661.
MAURINUS of COLOGNE, (Date Unknown), during reconstruction in 966 of the Abbey Church of Saint Pantaleo at Cologne (Germany) builders discovered a tomb with the inscription “Here lie the bones of Saint Maurinus, Abbot and Martyr, who was martyred in the porch of this church on June 10.” Upon examination, the relics showed signs of torture, and that he suffered a violent death. As German hagiographer and church historian Laurentius Surius (†1578) has documented, many miracles were experienced by those who sought St. Maurinus’ intercession at his tomb. Soon a popular cultus developed in Cologne, and St. Maurinus was added to martyrologies from then on.
MAXIMUS of NAPLES, (Fourth Century), consecrated Bishop of Naples in 359, St. Maximus spent most of his episcopacy in exile for defending the decrees of the First Œcumenical Council (325) against the Arian rulers. St. Maximus reposed circa 361, and is venerated as a martyr.
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ÆTHELTHRYTH (ETHELDREDA, AUDREY, ETHELDRED) of ELY, St. Æthelthryth (often known by the diminutive Audrey) was an East Anglian princess, a Northumbrian queen, and the founder and first Abbess of the double monastery at Ely in Cambridgeshire, England. The daughter of the Christian Anna, King of the East Angles (r. 635/6–c. 654), she was married while still young to Tondberht, prince of the South Gyrvians, though she remained a virgin. Upon his death three years later, St. Æthelthryth withdrew to the Isle of Ely in Cambridgeshire to live as a hermit. After five years, she was persuaded by her family to return to the world and marry Ecgfrith, King of Northumbria (r. 670–685), but she refused to consummate this marriage as well, and after twelve years, St. Æthelthryth obtained Ecgfrith's consent to become a nun. She received monastic tonsure from St. Wilfrid of York (12th October) at Coldingham Abbey circa 672 where her aunt St. Ebba the Elder (25th August) was Abbess. About a year later, St. Æthelthryth founded the double monastery of Ely, serving as its Abbess until her repose in 679.
Troparion of St. Æthelthryth of Ely — Tone III
Let us praise the virgin Æthelthryth,
flame of faith above the church of Ely, Mother Abbess,
intercessor and protector for all.
In her the image of God was restored to shine,
and she was crowned with great glory by our Saviour Christ,
ever praying in the Spirit before the Father's throne that
His great mercy may be granted unto us
AGRIPPINA of ROME, according to tradition St. Agrippina was a maiden and member of the Roman nobility. She was tortured and then either beheaded or scourged to death for being a Christian circa 262.
FELIX of SUTRI, a priest in Sutri in Tuscany (central Italy) during the reign of Emperor Valerian (r. 253–260) whose enthusiastic preaching and success in bringing people to Christ brought him to the attention of the authorities. In 257 St. Felix was arrested and scourged to death.
HIDULPHUS (HILDULPH) of HAINAUT, the husband of St. Agia of Hainaut (18th April), St. Hildulphus was a Count of Hainaut in present-day Belgium, and courtier at the royal palace of Austrasia. He was also a co-founder of the Abbey of St. Peter of Lobbes (abbaye Saint-Pierre de Lobbes — Hainaut, Belgium). By mutual consent, SS. Agia and Hidulphus separated and entered monasteries. St. Agia entered an abbey in Mons and St. Hidulphus entered Lobbes. St. Hildulphus reposed circa 707.
JAMES of TOUL, consecrated Bishop of Toul (north-eastern France) in 756. St. James reposed in 769 at the tomb of St. Benignus of Dijon (1st November) at Dijon in Burgundy (east-central France) while returning from a pilgrimage to Rome.
JOHN of ROME, a priest beheaded in 362 at Rome during the persecutions under Julian the Apostate (r. 361–363).
MOELIAI (MOELRAY) of NENDRUM, St. Moeliai was baptised by St. Patrick of Ireland (17th March) and later was the founding-Abbot of Nendrum Monastery on Mahee Island in Strangford Lough, Co. Down, Ulster. He reposed circa 493.
WALHERE of DINANT, (Date Unknown), a priest in Brabant in present-day Wallonia, Belgium. St. Walhere was murdered by a fellow cleric whom he had chastised, and has been venerated as a martyr since. St. Walhere's relics are enshrined in Dinant, Belgium
Prior to the Schism the Patriarchate of Rome was Orthodox, and fully in communion with the Orthodox Church. As Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco +1966 said “The West was Orthodox for a thousand years, and her venerable Liturgy is far older than any of her heresies”.
Details of British Saints excerpted from Orthodox Saints of the British Isles.
Details of continental saints from these sources.
In many cases there are several spelling versions of the names of saints from the British Isles. I use the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography version as the primary version with the more prevalent version in parenthesis e.g. Ceadda (Chad) of Lichfield.