Orthodox Saints of the Pre-Schism See of Rome
30th May
ANASTASIUS of PAVIA, commonly called St. Anastasius II to distinguish him from a fourth century predecessor of the same name. St. Anastasius, a convert to orthodox Christianity from Arianism, was consecrated Bishop of Pavia in Lombardy (Italy) in 668. As Bishop, St. Anastasius was noted his dedication to the purity of the Faith, and his skill as a pastor to his flock. He reposed in 668.
EXUPERANTIUS of RAVENNA, consecrated the nineteenth Bishop of Ravenna (northern Italy) in 398, St. Exuperantius served for twenty years until his repose in 418. He is remembered not just for his spiritual care of his flock, but his great charity as well.
FELIX I, succeeding St. Dionysius (26th December) as the twenty-sixth Pope of Rome in 269. St. Felix is believed to have been the Pope who sanctioned the practice of celebrating anniversary Masses at the graves of martyrs, and/or decreed that Mass must always be celebrated over the relics of martyrs. He was also the first to condemn the heretical teachings of Paul of Samosata. St. Felix reposed in 274.
GABINUS (GAVINO) and CRISPULUS of SARDINIA, missionaries in Sardinia who were martyred circa 130, during the persecutions under Emperor Hadrian (r. 117–138).
GAMO of BRITTANY, there is no information on St. Gamo extant beyond that he flourished in the eighth century and was an Abbot of an Abbey at Brétigny near Noyon (north-eastern France).
HUBERT (HUGBERT) of BRÉTIGNY, despite his family's disapproval, as well as his young age, of twelve years, St. Hubert received monastic tonsure at an Abbey at Brétigny near Noyon (north-eastern France). He reposed circa 714.
MADELGISILUS (MAUGUILLE), a disciple and close aid of St. Fursey (16th January). St. Madelgisilus was an Irish monk who spent several years at Abbey of St. Richarius (abbaye de Saint-Riquier) in present-day town of Saint-Riquier in north-eastern France. He then left the Abbey to spend the rest of his days as a hermit in Picardy (France). St. Madelgisilus reposed circa 655.
VENANTIUS of LÉRINS, the elder brother of St. Honoratus (16th January). St. Venantius lived as a hermit on the Île de Saint-Honorat, one of the Lérins Islands in the Mediterranean Ocean off the Côte d’Azur in France. He also spent time living and studying in monastic communities in Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land. St. Venantius reposed circa 400.
WALSTAN, a farm labourer in Norfolk, England, who lived an austere life filled with prayer. He was renowned for his charity and upon his repose in 1016 was immediately venerated as a saint by his contemporaries.
Prior to the Schism the Patriarchate of Rome was Orthodox, and fully in communion with the Orthodox Church. As Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco +1966 said “The West was Orthodox for a thousand years, and her venerable Liturgy is far older than any of her heresies”.
Details of British Saints excerpted from Orthodox Saints of the British Isles.
Details of continental saints from these sources.
In many cases there are several spelling versions of the names of saints from the British Isles. I use the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography version as the primary version with the more prevalent version in parenthesis e.g. Ceadda (Chad) of Lichfield.