Orthodox Saints of the Pre-Schism See of Rome

28th July
ARDUINUS (ARDWYNE) of TREPINO, there is no reliable information on this Saint extant, however there are those who say he was one of four English pilgrims who reposed whilst on a pilgrimage to Rome in the seventh century. St. Arduinus is venerated as the Patron Saint of the town of Ceprano (Lazio region of central Italy).
CAMELIAN, a disciple of St. Loupus of Troyes (29th July). St. Camelian succeded St. Loupus in the See of Troyes (north-central France) in 478. St. Camelian is listed amongst the attendees of the First Council of Orléans which was held in 511. He reposed circa 525
INNOCENT I, Pope of Rome from 402 until his repose 417. During his Pontificate he brought many back to the Church who had fallen away from orthodoxy through the Novatian Schism, defended St. John Chrysostom during the later's banishment to the Caucasus in Georgia, was one of the leaders in the condemning of Pelagianism, and had to contend with the 410 sack of Rome by Alaric I, King of the Visigoths (r. 395–410).
LUCIDUS (LUCIDO) of AQUARA, a monk at St. Peter's Abbey near Aquara (south-western Italy). St. Lucidus reposed circa 938, and nothing further about his life is known.
LYUTIUS, a monk at Monte Cassino, who spent his last years as a hermit at La Trinità della Cava near Cava de'Tirreni, in southern Italy. St. Lyutius reposed circa 1038.
Troparion of Martyrs Nazarius, Protase, Gervase, and Celsus of Milan — Tone IV
Let us praise the fourfold company of martyrs:
Nazarius, Protase, Gervase, and Celsus.
For they preached the Trinity to all
And by their contest dispelled the worship of idols.
Through their prayers, O Christ God, have mercy on us all.
NAZARIUS and CELSUS of MILAN, (on Eastern Calendars 14th October with SS. Gervase and Protase), two martyrs in Milan who were beheaded circa 68 on the orders of Emperor Nero (r. 54–68). According to a legend of dubious veracity, St. Nazarius was a son of Perpetua, a disciple of the Apostle Peter (29th June), who also catechised St. Nazarius.
PEREGRINUS, (Second Century), very little information on this saint remains, he seems to have been a priest of the Diocese of Lyons (east-central France) during the episcopacy of St. Irenaeus of Lyons (28th June), who in the latter half of the second century lived as a hermit on an island in the River Saône.
SAMSON (SAMPSON) of DOL, one of the greatest missionaries of the sixth century in western Europe, St. Samson of Dol evangelised for Christ in Ireland, Cornwall (England), the Channel Islands, and Brittany (north-western France). A Welsh monk, St. Samson began as a disciple of St. Illtud (6th November) at his great nursery of saints, Llantwit Major, in the south of Glamorgan, Wales, and then went onto Caldey Island, where he served as abbot. Having been instructed in a vision, St. Samson left Caldey, living for a while as a hermit near the River Severn. He then went to Ireland, and then Cornwall where his was consecrated bishop by St. Dubricius of Wales (14th November). St. Samson finally settled in Brittany, where he spent the rest of his life enlightening the Bretons from his base at Dol. The exact date of St. Samson’s repose in unknown, however, records show that he attended the Councils of Paris in 553 and 557, so he reposed sometime after 557. He was almost immediately venerated as a saint. Initially buried at Dol, St. Samson’s relics were later translated to Paris.
VICTOR I, a native of Tunisia in North Africa who was the fourteenth Pope of Rome from circa 189 until his repose circa 198. Whilst he introduced Latin as the liturgical language in the Roman See, displacing Greek, which had been used since the See was founded, St. Victor is best known for his role in the Quartodeciman Controversy, during which he initially attempted to excommunicate eastern parishes who were observing Easter following an older and different calculation of the date the feast was to be observed. Most sources list him as the first native of Africa to have been Bishop of Rome, and as a martyr.
Prior to the Schism the Patriarchate of Rome was Orthodox, and fully in communion with the Orthodox Church. As Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco +1966 said “The West was Orthodox for a thousand years, and her venerable Liturgy is far older than any of her heresies”.
Details of British Saints excerpted from Orthodox Saints of the British Isles.
Details of continental saints from these sources.
In many cases there are several spelling versions of the names of saints from the British Isles. I use the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography version as the primary version with the more prevalent version in parenthesis e.g. Ceadda (Chad) of Lichfield.